What is community to a child? Community is a place where they know others and are known. They learn to accept others and are accepted. Celebrate others and are celebrated. Encourage others and are encouraged. When children feel a part of a community they flourish. By this time, classroom communities have started to gel and feel like a unit. This bond with the teachers and their classmates gives a sense of security and routine and continues them on their path to being lifelong learners in our Preschool community and beyond.
As children develop, it’s important that they learn about their individual roles in the community. God never intended for us to live this life on our own. Teaching children about service to others, how it helps themselves and others grow, helps children to build a sense of self-worth and belonging. They learn better communication skills, teamwork and confidence. They also begin to understand how their actions impact the people and things around them.
Recently the Lake Forest Fire Department came to visit the Preschool to talk about fire safety and what they do to help protect the children and families in our community. Having everyday experiences and participating with people within the place we live enables children to observe, engage, understand and actively contribute to their expanding world. Interactions like this one let children see how in our everyday life we truly are stronger together than we are alone.