What Makes a Person Thankful?

December 03, 2019

What is it that makes a person thankful?  Thankfulness is being grateful for what we have. It is an attitude of gratitude for learning, loving and being. Appreciating the little things that happen around you and within you every day. Thinking positively. Thankfulness brings us contentment. This time of year always brings about this thought process with family and friends. It’s actually a very good time to talk to our children about the concept and why it is so important.  For the children in our Preschool program, the best way for them to learn this concept is to have it modeled for them. We have to remember that as adults and educators, we are our children’s first and best role model.  When they see us engaging in generous behavior, they in turn will want to do the same thing. So, when we see a child doing something for another child or showing them kindness, teachers make a point of recognizing these acts.  Not to make an example of the child, but making it a teachable moment and explaining how and why what they are doing is demonstrating generosity in action. We are practicing thankfulness when we:

Are thankful for the gifts God had granted us in life

Appreciate our own abilities instead of envying others,

See the difficulties of life as learning opportunities,

Enjoy our sense of wonder about the beauty in the world,

Are willing to receive what others want to give, and

Count our blessings from God every day.

As children develop characteristics like empathy and sympathy, so too will their sense of gratitude — attributes that will help make up their value systems. Teaching a child to be thankful, generous and kind is a lifelong process and one that involves lots of friends and family to help — certainly something to be grateful for.  This month in Preschool the children are reading books and talking about things that they are thankful for. Their artwork speaks for itself as an example of the things on their minds and in their hearts.


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